Donate was founded in 2005 to help members of the public who find wildlife casualties with advice and a directory of wildlife rescuers. The site has a library of over 60 advice articles, a directory of more than 700 UK wildlife rescuers, and a unique volunteer-run helpdesk for bespoke advice. We also provide free advice on humane, holistic methods of wildlife management. is part of the Starlight Trust, a small, HMRC registered charity, working to help animals and the people who care about them.

A donation to will

  • Fund the software and hosting needed to run the website (around ÂŁ775 a year)
  • Fund the software needed to operate our helpdesk (around ÂŁ395 a year)
  • Enable us to invest carefully in improving the website and helpdesk to better serve those who need our help
  • Fund the transport of casualties to rescue via taxi where other options have failed
  • Enable us to make gifts to support wildlife rescues with any remaining funds


We collect donations via Donorbox because they will allow you to Gift Aid your donation and collect all the necessary information for us. They do charge a small fee but the form includes an option for you to cover that for us if you wish.

If you’re looking to donate to a specific wildlife rescue, where possible the listings in our directory include a link for you to do so. Otherwise, please get in touch with them directly for details of how to donate.

Or, you can donate to our ÂŁ1 for Wildlife campaign and we’ll pass your contribution on to a wildlife rescue we select from our directory.

Thank you for your support